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Delicious Alchemy Rice Flake Porridge Review Rice Flake Porridge!

These do taste like rice; it’s not oaty if you are expecting that! When I’ve tried them before I’ve done a half and half mix of oats and rice flakes to get that oat flavour, else it’s like eating rice! It’s a really good taste though and would go great with some sweetness. I love mixing mine with cherries and cinnamon. Texture wise, it is like oats! Flakes of soft yet slightly chewy grains. It doesn’t thicken up too much, so I’d say don’t add as much liquid. With almond milk, it’s really light and creamy. Overall I’d say it’s nice for a change up of breakfast; the flavour on its own is quite plain so will carry other flavours very nicely. It’s also a great alternative if you’re looking for something which is gluten-free. Have you tried this? What did you think?

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