Herkuless Banana Protein Porridge Review
I was going to post a different review this morning, but seeing as is #bananaloversday I just had to post this banana protein porridge sent to me by the kind, generous, gorgeous @my.yummy.journey (please check her page out because her recipes are DELICIOUS!)

I like bananas, but I’ve never been a fan of banana flavoured things (#foodfact : the banana flavouring chemical is actually from a type banana that is extinct now, hence why real bananas and banana flavoured stuff don’t taste the same!) HOWEVER I may be converted to the banana side by this porridge. The taste wasn’t overly sweet, and only had a subtle hint of banana. The oatiness was definitely there so the other flavours weren’t overpowering. It honoured the oats. The porridge thickened up very well. The consistency of the oats were smooth, but (if you haven’t already seen this is a protein porridge) the protein crunchies kept it interesting. They were sort of like denser Rice Krispies that were softened slightly from the liquid added to make the porridge. They had a small salty taste which added an interesting flavour to the mix. It was between sweet and savoury: something I wasn’t expecting. It s interesting: something I haven’t tried before. I’d like to try it again, or have the other flavours if they offer them to get my head around this unique porridge. I’m going to give it....7/10 porridge points!