Perkier 'Apple, Cinnamon and Raisin' Porridge Pot Review
Apple, Cinnamon and Raisin porridge which I picked up in London last weekend. Taste: A strong cinnamon flavour (as expected!) that actually tasted 'natural' rather than artificial like other flavoured oats I've tried. The sweetness is perfect for me: not overpowering at all. The fruit pieces give the majority of the sweet whilst also adding freshness to the porridge as if it had just been made. What I would say is that the apple flavour could be stronger throughout the oats as I think this would increase the classical complementing apple/cinnamon tastes and make it even yummier- perhaps like an apple pie! Consistency and Texture: Using the fill gauge on the side, you get a very thick, sticky, creamy consistency although I like to get volume from my oats (who doesn't like eating more!!) so I added more water afterwards and microwaved it. The oats absorbed it well, keeping a moderate thickness. The video should help! Overall, the porridge is smooth but some of the oats clumped together as I didn't mix it up thoroughly, leaving chewy chunks which I actually enjoyed. Continuing... ‼️FRUIT PIECES‼️wow I adored these! Along with the oats, there is also small pieces of chopped apple and raisins and omg they just brought the porridge to another level. Firstly, the raisins were perfectly plump and juicy; little soft and chewy vessels bursting with delicious sweetness. Somehow the word 'royal' pops into my head when I think back to them: their outer skin was almost velvety. Mature and rich bittersweet. The raisins are a great addition to give this porridge more ~depth~. The apple chunks were pleasantly sneaky and ended up in every mouthful. Each bite had a surprising squidge to keep your mouth engaged. The packaging on this is high quality and the stark green and shiny gold draws you in. They suggest a regalness which the fruit definitely earns for this pot. Overall, this porridge is great. Natural tasting with real pieces of apple and raisin: it's freshness 'perks' up your tastebuds!