N'oats Coconut Raspberry Cherry Porridge Review

Caps because I’m excited to share this review with you because the porridge was super duper good! As soon as I opened the lid I knew this would be a winner! You are instantly presented with whole pink raspberries, white flakes of snowy coconut, dried cherries and the fine grains of the oats. After coming out of my oat-daze I made the porridge to the instructions and fell in love at the first spoonful. You are hit with the sweet, velvety raspberries merged with the creamy coconut to make a super smooth flavour. You get that in most mouthfuls, however when you get one of the dried cherries it is sharp and tart, cutting through the lavish mouth feel as an amazing contrast. The clever makers have put just the right amount of the cherries in so it’s a special moment when one slides onto your spoon, though you get enough of those berry bouts to finish your bowl feeling satisfied you’ve had a tasty experience. It thickens quickly but doesn’t lose it’s moisture. As I’ve said before, it’s creamy. I would say smooth textured but it’s more than that- the oats are smooth but the additions of juicy raspberries, crunchy coconut and chewy cherries. Overall, I have to give this 10/10 PORRIDGE POINTS! It’s an explosion of pink joy with plenty of components to keep your senses interested. Have you tried this? What do you think? Let me know! Good night oatlings x