Magic Porridge Pot 'Coconut' Porridge Review
The Magic Porridge Pot kindly sent me a selection of porridge to try! Here is my review of the Coconut Flavour:

I'm not usually a fan of coconut but I really really enjoyed this! The coconut flavour was subtle and fresh- not artificial tasting at all which isn't surprising as all of the ingredients are natural and sugar free!! Sweet cranberries and sultanas also make an appearance. There is plenty to get a little one in each spoonful .The flavours compliment each other perfectly. Each flavour comes through but doesn't overpower the oaty flavour of the porridge. The ratios are spot on. MLXLSI like the texture: creamy oats, crunchy coconut (this is my favourite element: there is some desiccated coconut to have the nutty flavour throughout, but also there are thick coconut shavings which make a nice 'bite') and chewy, juicy fruit. Certainly keeps my senses interested! I was very impressed by this porridge. It warmed and comforted me: a proper wholesome meal. I enjoyed it so much I'm definitely going to be buying more soon! I'd recommend a try; you won't be disappointed!