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Fuel10k 'Golden Syrup' Porridge Pot Review

Quick little review on this @fuel10k Golden Syrup Porridge Pot. Only a short one as this porridge is quite simple- it is what it says!

The taste is sweet and golden syrup like. It’s just the right amount of sweetness too. Sometimes with syrup flavoured porridge it can be overpoweringly sweet and unpleasant, but this gets the balance just right. The texture is creamy and very thick, almost jelly like, as a result of the added protein powder. It’s smooth but with a few clumps. The lack of whole rolled oats means the clumps are good if you like a chunkier texture like I do. It’s very similar to the OOMF protein porridge. It’s satisfying, sweet and filling. A pot you’d like if you want something simple. It’s just simple- you can’t go wrong! Have you tried this? What do you think? Let me know! Night oatlings x

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