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N'Oats 'Blackberry-Chia' Porridge Review

Today I am reviewing @nilas.oats@mymuesli N’Oats blackberry and chia porridge.

This is such a lovely porridge. The thickness is incredible: the combined oats with the chia absorb so much liquid leaving some thickkk and cakey oats. A great texture; smooth and creamy and not too bitty. The chia seeds are small and soften enough so the texture isn’t unpleasantly gritty. Taste wise it is oAtstanding. The natural whole grain oat taste shines through, with a subtle berry flavour that isn’t artificial at all. It’s naturally sweet from the berries (I’ll get onto them in a minute) therefore no added sugar as it’s not needed. Even with water there is still a creamy taste. Just amazing! ​Now, the berries. I don’t know what magic has made them but when you make the porridge they seem to spring to life and become fresh! They’re juicy and seep beautiful purple colours. They taste just like they’ve been picked from the bush, and still maintain a tart and tangy twinge to balance out sweetness. They add to the texture as berries would- they’re not chewy like dried fruit. Just soft and melty. 💜💜 Overall a fantastic porridge that I would give 9/10 porridge points! Have you tried this? What do you think? What should I try next? Have a great night oatlings xx

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