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Porridge Pot Magic 'Ginger, Date and Walnut' Porridge Review Ginger, Date and Walnut Porridge:

Very nicely spiced which makes this very warming porridge. Certainly needed for the winter!! The pieces of crystallised ginger and chopped dates cut through the spicy ginger with sweetness to make sure your senses aren’t overloaded with the heat. The chopped pieces of walnut are earthy and nutty. Again, a nice addition that makes the flavour of this porridge very complex and definitely delicious. Texture wise, the oats are very creamy and smooth. The crunch of the nuts and chew of the dates makes your mouth go wild with glee. @porridgepotmagic has created some of the best porridge I’ve ever tasted! All sugar free and natural too. Excuse me whilst I go make another bowl!

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