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Thick Oatmeal Tips

THE SECRETS TO SUPER THICK PORRIDGE! If you want your oats thick, cakey and oh so good then read on as these are my #OATHACK s for you!

  • Use less liquid- less for the oats to absorb and therefore can absorb it all, creating thicker oats!

  • Use more oats- more oats means more liquid will be absorbed!

  • Why not use more oats AND less liquid?! You get the best of both worlds (thanks Hannah🎶)

  • Use 'instant' oats, or finer oats. I always get thicker oats with these but I'm not sure why. @quakeroatsuk are good oats to have if you want them thick.

  • Cook them for AGES- the longer, the better. Cooking them on a stove makes this easier because they won't overflow as easily (just be careful not to burn them!!)

  • Chill them out and let them cool! As they cool, they thicken. I always leave mine overnight for maximum effect

  • Use a thicker liquid- rather than water, use milk or a milk alternative. For added flavour, try it with a milkshake or protein shake

  • Add more FIBRE! Fibre absorbs so much liquid and will make you bowl of oatmeal soooo thick and even healthier! Coconut flour, psyllium husks, almond flour, xantham gum, cornstarch, vitafibre are just some examples.

  • add protein powder! I don’t know how, it just makes them sooooo thick and filling.

  • Chia seeds! These seeds can absorb up to 10x their weight in water. That’s a lot and will make your oats so much thicker, as well as adding an interesting texture, nuttier flavour and some super healthy fats!

  • These are my best tips but do you have any more? Let me know! 👇

  • And if you tried any of these, I'd also like to here how they worked out for you! Love you oatlings x

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