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Simply Seedz Apricot and Cranberry Porridge Pot Review

Apricot and Cranberry Porridge Pot Review.

I was fancying something fruity with my dinner, so I thought this new porridge pot would be perfect to try! The oats in this are large, whole and thick, making a lovely chewy texture. It is really thick- the ideal consistency for me- however if you prefer it runny I would fill it more with liquid. The oats soak it up well! As they’re big oats, the oaty flavour is very strong. Very natural and wholesome- almost woody (but I think that’s partly down to the actual pot being cardboard; a nice feature might I add. The packaging certainly gets high marks for style.) The dried cranberry and apricot pieces add a small bit of sweetness, although overall the pot wasn’t too sweet. This is because there is no added sugar (vegan and dairy free too!) , which actually adds to the natural sense of the overall brand. And of course, makes it slightly healthier.

They stay in their dried form when you add water to the pot. Sometimes with dried fruit they become plump and juicy but these didn’t. They stay chewy and concentrated with fruitiness, a lovely surprise with each mouthful. There was plenty of it too, so you didn’t get too bored with the plain taste of the oats. I made the pot with water. It was still a good flavour and but not very creamy; it was sort of gel-like thick (I you’ve had water based oats you know what I mean). If you like creamy oats then use some milk/milk alternative instead. Oh I forgot to mention the surprise pumpkin seeds too! They’re nutty and crunchy- a delightful little addition. Overall I like to think of this as a forest porridge pot. The woody, Wholegrain oats, dried fruits and nuts. Like you’re a squirrel foraging in the woods. A pleasant scene. Have you tried this pot? What do you think? Love you oatlings x

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