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Fuel10k Forest Fruits Porridge Pot Review

Peeling off the attractive lid (I like the packaging!) of the pot, you can instantly smell the berries. It’s strong, borderline artificial, but promises taste. When you add the water, flecks of dried raspberry come to light which is a nice visual. Very pretty! The texture was a little runnier than usual, but very creamy. Little bitty pieces of oats and berries run throughout. The taste wasn’t as strong as I had expected however I think this is a good thing because I’m not a fan of overly sweet berry flavours. It’s not a natural flavour, but not too artificial either. Mellow, subtle, milky strawberry. Much sweeter than I’m used to. Overall ok though. It’s not my favourite, but still pretty good. I’d say a 7/10 porridge points. If you have a sweet tooth and like strawberry milkshake, you’d probably like this! Have you tried it? What do you think? Let me know!

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