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Fuel10k Honey, Nut and Raisin Porridge Review

Honey Nut Raisin Porridge Pot Review!

I’m still a bit unsure about what I think of this porridge. It was different to others I have had from Fuel10k.

As it’s honey, the sweetness is different. It is certainly honey, that deeper, mature sweet, but it’s not natural honey. More artificial. The nuts and raisins are nice but I don’t think there are enough of them. The raisins give it some nice fruitiness and the nuts a bit of bite and nuttiness (of course!!) but it would be much more interesting flavour and texture wise if there were more in there.

Due to the protein, these pots are very creamy textured. A bit on the runny side, though it did thicken up a bit more after I had left it for a while. Overall I’m saying a 6/10 porridge points. How many would you give it? Let me know!

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