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Moma Simply Plain Porridge Review

MOMA @momafoods simply plain porridge pot review!

This porridge, although plain and simple, is wonderfully delicious and tasty. Firstly, the texture is SO CREAMY. The oats are a mix of whole, chunky rolled ones that you have to bite a bit to break down (though they are still very soft) and finer cut oats to make a smooth texture and thicken them up. The thickness is medium. I think I overfilled it a bit but they were still super filling- if you want a reliable pot that will ensure you’re not hungry later on then this is for you! The taste is very creamy and milky too. There is natural sweetness from that but that’s it- it’s not flavoured so just the wholegrain, dusty oat flavour shines through. Overall it’s great; a classic for when you want to appreciate the simplistic yet powerful aspect of porridge. 8/10 porridge points

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