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Hench Fuel Coconut Porridge Review


This is the first of the @henchfuel porridges they kindly sent me. Like I was eager to dive into this porridge, let’s dive in to my review! Taste: I was worried this would be over coconutty and quite artificial tasting due to the sweeteners in it, but it wasn’t. The dominant flavour is actually sweet vanilla! Yes, if you like sweet things then you’ll like this porridge. I think there are many layers to the flavoured that peel back over time. The initial flavour is very sweet vanilla that mellows as an aftertaste, and then comes the creamy coconut. The coconut is only slightly there. Texture: as with most protein porridges, it is very creamy and sticky due to the whey. It’s a really nice thickness that is still moist but won’t drip off your spoon. It’s slightly grainy but overall I’d say it’s smooth. It has pieces of desiccated coconut too so there is some soft crunch and bittiness. Everything else: The serving size is perfect and thanks to that (and the 22g protein) it’s deliciously satisfying. The nutrition of this is spot on so you get a yummy treat whilst still being healthy. If you’re a fan of sweet things, then this would be a great porridge for you. If you’re an avid Coconut lover then you may be disappointed with the amount of coconut flavour, although it’s still nice so still worth a try. 7/10 porridge points!

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