Costa Fresh Porridge Review
Costa Porridge Review:

I found this porridge pot in Costa and thought that I must try it. It’s porridge, it’s my passion, of course I must try every porridge out there! Overall, this was like a rice pudding. The taste, texture and consistency. The taste is very milky and creamy. It’s sweet but not sugary as it actually contains no added sugar. It’s only oats, milk and water. It would go really well with some honey or cinnamon- next time I have it I will add those! Like the taste, the consistency was smooth and creamy, with chunks of oats (though not many) that were really soft and disintegrated with the lightest of tooth effort. If you had it cold, it was thick and jelly-like. Heated up, it was fairly runny although the creaminess made it thicker. It’s certainly no cakey oats. The serving size is regular, though the thickness doesn’t make it too filling. It’s light on the stomach. Overall, I would give this creamy porridge (or oat pudding as it really does taste like a rice pudding!) a 7/10 porridge points.